I am an architectural sculptor working principally with stone. My early career was in the restoration of historic monuments, and I have carved work for King’s College Chapel, Cambridge; Ely Cathedral and Westminster Abbey. Once established, I was soon called upon to design my own work, sometimes for historic locations, sometimes for contemporary buildings. As an architectural sculptor I make work which is an integral part of a larger whole, and enjoy collaboration with architect and client. This gives my work a function and purpose that is self evident and allows me to feel comfortably located within a great tradition of architectural stone sculpture that goes back millennia, and which is a constant source of inspiration. My hope for the future is that there will be more opportunity to design work for contemporary buildings, where there is tremendous potential for figurative, foliate or abstract ornamentation.
Notable projects (all recognized with Heritage Industry Awards for Craftsmanship and Restoration )
2008-9 – Marble Fountain for Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire
2005-6 – St George’s, Bloomsbury. Design and production of four monumental sculptures of Lions and Unicorns for the steeple for this Hawksmoor Church.
2004 – Temple Bar, London. Design and Carving of Heraldic sculpture for Wren designed gateway.
2005 – Sir John Soane’s Museum, London. Restoration of ‘Pasticcio’ Monument.
1990-98 – Westminster Abbey West Front. Design and carving of 20 new life-sized statues, including the 10 modern martyrs which achieved national media coverage in July 1998. Restoration of period carvings to West Front and Henry VII Chapel.
1989 – Restoration of Heraldic Carvings , West Door of King’s College Chapel, Cambridge
Personal Awards
2010 – Marsh Award for Traditional Building Skills
2011 – Mason’s Livery Company Project Craftsman of the Year Award
Professional Associations
Associate of the Royal Society of British Sculptors.
Art Workers Guild.
Master Carvers Association (President 2011)
1979-82 – City and Guilds of London Art School.Diploma in Conservation and Restoration, specialising in stone and woodcarving.
1978 – John Cass School of Art, Whitechapel. Foundation studies.
1974-77 – University of Manchester B.A. Degree in Art History, specialising in Medieval Architecture.