"*" indicates required fields Your full name*Today's Date DD slash MM slash YYYY Course *Select as appropriate*Select as appropriate Post Graduate Carving MA Carving Project Working Title *Maximum 30 words*Maximum 30 words Summary of Aims and Objectives *What are your overall goals? What are the steps you will take to achieve your goals? (bullet points may be used – maximum 200 words)*What are your overall goals? What are the steps you will take to achieve your goals? (bullet points may be used – maximum 200 words) Summary of Intended Outcomes *What do you want the results to be? (bullet points may be used – maximum 150 words)*What do you want the results to be? (bullet points may be used – maximum 150 words) Context *What are the areas of research you will be exploring? what are the key cultural artefacts that you will use as references? What are the historical and/or contemporary contexts that you will be considering? (bullet points may be used - maximum 300 words)*What are the areas of research you will be exploring? what are the key cultural artefacts that you will use as references? What are the historical and/or contemporary contexts that you will be considering? (bullet points may be used - maximum 300 words) Methods and Work Plan *How will you achieve your aims? What form will your research take? What technical skills do you intend to develop and employ? In practical terms how will you work within the time available on the course to meet your ambitions? What are the key phases and milestones for your project? (a table may be used – maximum 500 words)*How will you achieve your aims? What form will your research take? What technical skills do you intend to develop and employ? In practical terms how will you work within the time available on the course to meet your ambitions? What are the key phases and milestones for your project? (a table may be used – maximum 500 words) Project Form *Outline below whether you are planning to pursue a live project or a dissertation. For live project indicate the nature of the project, key milestones, status of the project, relevance to your research etc For dissertation indicate your intended approach, key milestones, methodology, relationship to your practice etc. (bullet points may be used - maximum 500 words)*Outline below whether you are planning to pursue a live project or a dissertation. For live project indicate the nature of the project, key milestones, status of the project, relevance to your research etc For dissertation indicate your intended approach, key milestones, methodology, relationship to your practice etc. (bullet points may be used - maximum 500 words)