Over the Autumn Term, our Postgraduate students have been taking part in Graduate School Breakout sessions, designed to enhance students’ studies across MA Fine Art, MA Carving and MA Conservation.
These study visits, seminars, workshops and experiences allow our graduate students to engage with aspects of visual culture outside of their studio environment. Check out a few images from last term’s sessions below.
A trip to Deptford Creek to meet artist-in-residence Susi Arnott and discuss the relationship between art and science, followed by a walk down the Creek at low-tide to collect biological samples.
A tour of The Western Riverside Waste Authority at Smugglers Way, the Household Waste and Recycling Centre for four London Boroughs, including access to their materials recycling facility.
An introduction to the Stanley Kubrick Archives to learn about Kubrick’s research process, see his notes and sketches, props and costumes from his films, and posters and promo material.
A visit to Tate Archives and Reading Rooms to learn how MA students can use artists’ material such as letters, sketches and studio ephemera can be used for research.