London Craft Week at the Art School 13-14 May

The Art School is proud to be taking part in London Craft Week 2022, with a two-day event exploring the properties, uses and conservation of paper, marking the launch of our 2022-23 research programme, Material Matters: Paper.

Our free admission event takes place on Friday 13 May (10:00-17:00) and Saturday 14 May (10:00-18:00) and showcases fine art and historic craft skills championed at the Art School.


Our Tutors, students and Fellows will be running paper-related demonstrations and illustrating a series of specialist paper conservation and fine art techniques, taught on our renowned degree courses.


Head of Printmaking, Jason Hicklin, is leading a series of one-hour, ‘blind printing’ workshops for adults on Saturday 14 May. Blind printing is the historic Intaglio printing process without the ink, so participants will leave the workshop with beautiful debossed artwork but no inky fingers!

The one-hour workshops are £5 (+ booking fee) per person. Booking is essential – tickets available here.


Our wood and stone carving studios will be open and our student carvers taking part in the ever-popular carving competition. As well as watching the historic craft skills of wood and stone carving in action, visitors can have a go at stone carving on the Saturday.


On Saturday 14 May (afternoon only), Fabal Lager are hosting a free Talk and Tasting in our Courtyard and other refreshments will be available in our café throughout the event.

Everyone is welcome to attend the two-day event, which is free admission with no need to book.  We are asking for a small fee to cover costs for the printmaking workshops, and advance booking for this is essential.

More activities and details of our Material Matters: Paper programme coming soon.




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