Tell us about your work/background before starting this course
I had done A levels a couple years prior and was mostly a painter or drawer, because that’s what I had been exposed to. Doing a Foundation course was perfect for me because it was a one-year commitment, and I could still live at home while also stepping foot into the world of further education. And the Foundation course started with pure experimentation, which allowed me to get to know myself a lot better. This also gave me the freedom to not have to have everything figured out!
How did you find your experience at the Art School?
I really loved the flexibility that the school had with workshops. They were open and ready to be used whenever you needed. It made ‘thinking through making’ a lot easier! Also, because it’s smaller, you get to know a lot of people and have a lot of great conversations if you are open!
Which aspects of the course did you most enjoy and benefit from?
So many. I loved trying new mediums, I loved having conversations with all the tutors about my work or general questions I had. I found Art History very informative, and it gave me a lot of perspective. I loved getting to work for the Art School on Open Days, as I found I thrived in that environment. I also loved the different deadlines as it always gave me goals to work towards- whether it be the unit 2 projects, or the end of unit assessment, or the end of year show etc. Oh! And I really enjoyed the opportunity to do woodcarving and stone carving for a week! Something I never ever thought I would do!!
How did your practice develop over your time here?
Before I only painted and drew, and now I am fully mixed media and love to learn new artistic languages. I learnt that different art mediums give and take in ways that others don’t. So I am able now to explore which art media will best articulate the message I want to communicate. And I LOVE this way of working as it also allows me to learn more about topics of interest or to explore ways of communicating things I am passionate about!
What are your plans post-graduation?
I am off to Kingston to start my Fine Art BA! I am excited to grow what has started through doing the foundation.
What would be your advice for students about to start at the Art School?
It can seem intimidating to have to try and be good at all these new art media. But what I loved is that you have the complete freedom to try something new and decide for yourself whether you like it or not. It’s a rare opportunity that you get to play and experiment freely without much pressure of marks etc. Because a big portion of art is also experimenting and reframing “mistakes” as springboards into something you hadn’t thought of before! That is something I was surprised to learn early on: that art isn’t just a pretty painting. It can be much more rooted in ‘process over outcome’, emphasising the importance of choices and thinking while making the art. For me that brings so much more freedom to ways and reasons for making art! Each of us has a unique perspective and I’d encourage you to find the things that make you come alive, and to gently lean into them!