Level: Beginners
Tutor: Anne Petters
Dates: 30 June-4 July 2025
Time: 10:00 – 17:00
Cost: £585
‘Stones That Flow’—an ancient glass fusing technique reimagined
Explore the pâte-de-verre process and make your own small unique objects using this ancient glass making technique. Using a variety of mold-making materials, this unique process will allow us to transfer drawings, writing and texture onto glass. We shall treat this as a printing process and create flat and hollow plaster/molochite molds onto which we fuse glass frits and powders.
The glass making technique pâte-de-verre dates back to the second millennium BC. Mostly used in jewellery and sculpture inlays in ancient Egypt and Rome, it was widely forgotten until its rediscovery in late 19th century France, where it became popular during the Art Nouveau period.
The French term ‘pâte-de-verre’ translates as ‘glass paste’. Glass powders and frits (crushed glass) are mixed with a medium to a paste that can then be applied to flat and hollow molds and fused in the kiln, at about 700 degrees celsius, to take the shape.
Described as ‘stones that flow’ in ancient Egypt, the glass has an unusual opalescent aesthetic with the ability to mimic various materials like stone, ice, sugar and fabric.
Pâte-de-verre is currently experiencing an exciting come back in the art and craft world. This course is an introduction to this unusual yet easy to learn process and you will learn how to create unique personal sculptural objects and understand basic kiln firing schedules.
We will take imprints from different objects and textures in clay and carve into plaster/molochite molds using various traditional and experimental tools for mark making. These textures, marks and drawings will then be transferred to the glass by applying the powders, dry or as a paste, to the mold and bake them in the kiln.
From there, your work can be taken back into the kiln to further manipulate the shape by slumping and forming methods. You will finish the course with a selection of beautiful and unique sculptural glass artworks to take home.
What’s included: all teaching, materials and dust masks.
What’s not included: your meals. Please bring small objects to take clay or wax molds, texts for inspiration and wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty.
10% discount available for City & Guilds of London Art School undergraduate, postgraduate and foundation students and alumni, and staff. Contact summerschool@cityandguildsartschool.ac.uk to receive the discount code.
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