Celebrating our MA students at the end of year ceremony

On Monday 9 September, we celebrated the hard work and achievements of our 2024 graduating MA Students in Fine Art, Carving and Conservation at their end of year ceremony and prize giving.

The evening opened with a welcome from the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Jamie Bill, followed by an address from the Art School Principal, Dr Lois Rowe.

The Heads of Department, Andy Bannister (Acting Course Leader, Fine Art), Tom Young (Head of Carving) and Marina Sokhan (Head of Conservation) then gave their addresses and presented the graduands with their certificates and awards.

Kimberley Ahmet, Senior Manager of the Artists’ Collecting Society, joined us to present the ACS City & Guilds of London Art School Studio Prize. This award provides funding for the winning recipient to secure studio space in London for one year, supporting their transition into their career as a professional artist. This year, the prize was awarded to Afonso Rocha, MA Fine Art.

Kimberley Ahmet, Artists’ Collecting Society

Dr David Keats joined us from the Worshipful Company of Painter-Stainers to present their Decorative Surfaces Fellowship 2024/25. Established in 2016, the fellowship focuses on historic techniques such as gilding, fresco painting, trompe l’oeil and scagliola. The recipient is provided with a studio at the Art School as well as specialist training in traditional processes with professional mentoring from the Painter-Stainers. This year, the prize was awarded to Alison Wing Yin Poon, MA Fine Art.

Dr David Keats, Worshipful Company of Painter-Stainers

Graduands from each of the courses spoke on behalf of their cohorts, with Nell Mitchell representing MA Fine Art, and Yohan Le Peuch representing MA Carving.

Nell Mitchell, MA Fine Art graduands’ address

Yohan Le Peuch, MA Carving graduands’ address

Congratulations again to our graduating MA students on a spectacular end of year show, and we wish you all the very best of luck in your next ventures.

Please take a look at our Images Gallery to see a range of the work on display at this year’s MA Show, alongside photos from the End of Year Ceremony.

Sophia Rosenthal, winner of the Standpoint Artist’s Residency

2024 Graduate Prizes and Awards

The Harriet Anstruther Prize: Lucy Hutchings, MA Fine Art

The Tony Carter Award: Eva Merendes, MA Fine Art

The ACS City & Guilds of London Art School Studio Prize: Afonso Rocha, MA Fine Art

City & Guilds of London Art School Prize for Outstanding Critical Engagement: Pear Nuallak, MA Fine Art

City & Guilds of London Art School Prize for Outstanding MA Fine Art Exhibition: Alex Stone, MA Fine Art

The Standpoint Artist’s Residency: Sophia Rosenthal, MA Fine Art

The Worshipful Company of Painter Stainers’ Decorative Surfaces Fellowship: Alison Wing Yin Poon, MA Fine Art

MA Show sponsors Hiver Beer

With thanks to the sponsors of our MA Show:

Artists’ Collecting Society

Harriet Anstruther

Hiver Beers


Winsor & Newton

Worshipful Company of Painter-Stainers


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