The course structure provides you with a specialist education in illustration, based on a unique Art School shared studio context. You will be encouraged to cultivate new approaches to contemporary illustration from the foundations of traditional drawing skills and supported in your development of innovative ways to activate new technologies from understandings of illustration as a creative field.
Over the duration of the course, you will experience a unique creative learning environment that supports you in being a pro-active participant in your own learning, preparing you for the challenges of further study and/or a range of professional futures. Some elements of the course have a specific focus based on your choice of illustration, while group tutorials, workshop time, live projects and other sessions, such as professional practice, are shared more widely across the Art School.
Your course is based on a modular scheme and validated by Arts University Bournemouth (AUB). In line with a national and European scheme, your course is delivered over three years and each year corresponds to a level of study. Each level of study comprises 120 credits. Credits are awarded on successful completion of a unit of study and are specific to the level. For BA (Hons) Illustration, each unit of study that you will work on is called a unit and each unit is usually worth 20, 40 or 60 credits. There is an expectation that each credit notionally requires 10 hours of learning. You will need to complete 120 credits each year or level to progress to the next stage of the course and 360 credits to be awarded the BA (Hons) degree.
*This course is subject to validation