If the prospect of becoming a cultural doctor-detective inspires you, this course will equip you for the job. The Art School’s emphasis on traditional and contemporary art and craft means you will be supported to develop deep contextual and technical knowledge of a broad range of remedial conservation approaches, enabling you to bring important artefacts – and their stories – back to life.
You will be joining one of the longest-established centres for conservation teaching in the UK. In the aftermath of World War II, our students and alumni helped to reinstate London’s war-damaged architecture and treasures; today the Art School is still making its crucial contribution to world heritage, entrusted with artefacts from major collections and projects in sites as eminent as Westminster Abbey and San Giorgio Maggiore Basilica in Venice.
We are extremely well connected. Many and varied organisations support our work, both financially, by funding grants, financial assistance and prizes, and practically, by offering summer work placements and projects. We engage in collaborations with some of the UK and London’s most important and celebrated cultural institutions. And our memoranda of understanding with Imperial College London and Tsurumi University in Yokohama, Japan, create exciting opportunities and professional networks for our students.
We’re pioneers too. Since 2008 we have been the only UK conservation teaching institution enabling BA students to investigate important new cleaning techniques using a Nd:YAG Q-switch Lynton Laser.
This vibrant environment will stimulate your appetite for discovery. You will be studying in a group of around 26 undergraduates in our recently refurbished studios and labs, with generous staff contact time. All of our tutors and visiting experts are leading practitioners with a wealth of expertise and contacts.
We believe strongly that specialist skills should not be taught in a vacuum, so we make Art Histories an integral part of all our courses, and teach it in such a way that it informs, inspires and incentivises.
You can download a pdf of our prospectus and check out our News page to find out what’s been happening at the Art School.