Art School hosts the Conservation Winter Party 2023

On Wednesday 29 November we were delighted to be joined by friends and supporters for the Conservation Winter Party 2023.

Last hosted in 2019, the night was a wonderful celebration of our Conservation Department and the work of our students on our undergraduate and postgraduate Conservation courses: BA (Hons) Conservation: Stone Wood & Decorative Surfaces, BA (Hons) Conservation: Books and Paper and MA Conservation.

The evening opened with addresses from the Art School Principal, Dr. Lois Rowe, the Head of Conservation, Dr. Marina Sokhan and the Chair to the Board of Trustees, Jamie Bill. They shared the ranging successes of the department, from its global impact by training new generations of conservators, to its dedication to passing on endangered skills such as japanning and illuminations.

Third Year BA Conservation and MA Conservation students hosted a showcase of their work in the Conservation studios, and discussed their final year projects with our guests. We can’t wait to see the finished results of their work at the end of year Degree Shows.

Thank you to all those who joined us and to our Conservation students for all your hard work.


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