The student voice is vital to the Art School’s culture of lively self-reflection and evaluation.
All students participate in termly Student Fora, which are organised department by department. In addition each class elects student representatives who attend Boards of Studies and the Art School Student Representatives meeting, at least twice a year. Students are also elected to sit on Academic Board and the Site & Environment Sub-Committee of the Board of Trustees, as well as occasional working-groups. For the Committee Structure and Terms of Reference please click here.
The small scale and intimate environment of the Art School means that a formal students union has not been established, but students’ interests are represented to senior management by a Chair of Students. A prestigious position within the Art School, which may be held jointly between two students, the Chair is independent and autonomous of Art School management oversight and control and is accountable to the student body. The Chair is supported variously through appropriate mentorship, at least termly one-to-one meetings with the Principal, and regular contact with the Senior Management Team. The Chair of Students sits as a member of the Art School’s governing body, its Board of Trustees, during their tenure in office as set down in the City & Guilds of London Art School Limited Articles of Association.
Students have an important role to play outside of the Art School both as practitioners and, as appropriate, a part of the electorate. While UK residency and UK (or Irish or qualifying Commonwealth) citizenship are necessary to vote in a General Election, the rules for Local Elections are more liberal. If a student has British, Irish, Commonwealth or EU citizenship, they should be eligible to vote in Local Elections and, if living in London, the Mayoral Elections. The Art School encourages students to register to vote and be active participants in democracy wherever they can.
Students often act as ambassadors for the Art School at various events, such as Art16 and Livery Company dinners: for more information about the Livery Companies that support the Art School, click here.
The Art School provides some opportunities for employment at Art School events such as London Craft Week, on and off site, and in the Library.
There is plenty of available accommodation within travelling distance of the Art School, including specific student rental property, house shares and hosted accommodation. Current students often advertise space in flat shares through our student Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
Each year, under the stewardship of Nina Bilbey, students come together to play music as the Project Man Band.
Local café Sugar Pot, provide healthy, organic lunches, snacks and drinks, locally-sourced where possible, from Art & Cake, based at the Art School’s main site. Open from 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday during the main term dates.
There are a significant number of competitions and prizes for students to enter.