While you are studying at the Art School, we want you to have a positive experience that supports and enhances your learning. We’ve set out our values and approach to all aspects of life at the Art School in a range of plans and policies, including how we promote teaching and learning, equality and diversity, inclusion and professional practice. Follow the links below to learn more about how we ensure you get the most out of your time with us.
STRATEGIC PLAN 2022-2027 How we will work towards becoming one of the pre-eminent voices and an inclusive centre of excellence in the specialisms we teach, with a wider reach and offer.
STUDENT PROTECTION PLAN What students can expect to happen should a course, campus, or institution close.
TRANSPARENCY INFORMATION 2023 The Office for Students requires all HE Providers to publish information on student attainment drawn from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) student records. Because the size of the Art School means it is below the threshold for most of HESA’s measures, the information provided by HESA is only partial, but can be found here. For further information please contact office@cityandguildsartschool.ac.uk
VALUE FOR MONEY STATEMENT 2023-24 The following information sets out where the Art School’s income comes from and what we spend our money on.
ADMISSIONS POLICY AND PROCEDURES How we admit students to the Art School.
EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY POLICY Our commitment to providing an inclusive and positive environment for our students and staff based on the principles of equality, dignity and respect.
ETHICS POLICY Articulates the Art School’s commitment to pursue the highest standards of ethical conduct, and to provide guidance on the ethical framework of policies and governance through which we ensure those standards are upheld.
GIFT ACCEPTANCE POLICY The principles and procedures that we follow when accepting gifts for the Art School, such as a donation or legacy.
INCLUSIVE LEARNING AND PARTICIPATION POLICY How we ensure a welcoming and inclusive environment which enables all our students and staff to participate fully in Art School academic and social activities.
PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE POLICY How we embed Professional Practice into our courses to prepare students for their future careers as practitioners in the arts and crafts.
RECOGNITION AND ACCREDIATION OF PRIOR LEARNING (R/APL) POLICY Our recognition that skills and knowledge gained outside formal education may be equivalent to, or exceed, our standard entry requirements.
SAFEGUARDING AND PREVENT POLICY How we protect our students, staff, visitors and guests from any form of exploitation and abuse during their time with us.
STUDENT FEES, REFUNDS AND COMPENSATION POLICY Details about payment of our course fees and how to claim a refund or compensation.
TUTORIAL POLICY Our approach to providing an inclusive and personalised tutorial system for our students, in line with our values and approach to learning and teaching.
REFUND REQUEST Use this form to request a refund of your fees.