Art Histories tutor Dr Rachel Warriner has curated the show Vox Materia with new work by Alice Maher as part of curatorial partnership Pluck Projects. The exhibition draws on ideas examined in the Fine Art undergraduate Art Histories lectures Bodies in Context and Representations and CGLAS MA course in Critical Aesthetics that Rachel contributes to, looking at themes of the representation of women, the abstract representation of the bodily and the ways in which these connect to contemporary gender politics. Launching at the Source Arts Centre on the 29th March, 2018 the show includes new work from this important feminist artist and key figure for Irish art. It will move in September 2018 to the Crawford Art Galley, Cork and is accompanied by an illustrated catalogue of the work produced by the Source Arts Centre to which Rachel has co-written an essay with art historian and critic Sarah Kelleher.
For more information see Pluck Projects’ blog at and Alice Maher’s website