Celebrating our 2024 Foundation Graduates

Last week, we were delighted to celebrate the hard work of our Foundation Diploma in Art & Design 2024 graduates at their end of year show, which ran from 15-18 May.

On Tuesday 14 May, friends and family of the students were invited to preview the show, before which we hosted the end of year prize giving.

Deputy Chair of Trustees Laurence Benson welcomed those in attendance before introducing the Art School Principal, Dr Lois Rowe. Addressing the students, Dr Rowe thanked and commended the students for their work in the show, commenting:

“The work is ambitious, and what I found fascinating was the focus on materiality and really diverse process. Some of you use found objects… and the thing which is important about this kind of work is its energy. It isn’t driven by how it might look on a plinth or a wall – a lot of the work in this show demonstrates this creative energy, and it has been such a pleasure to witness. We are so impressed by what everyone has achieved this year.”

Deep thanks were given to the Foundation Teaching Staff and Technicians, who have supported the students in achieving the outstanding outcomes as seen in the show.

The 2024 Prizes were awarded to:

The Skinners’ Company Vargas Eyres Design Prize – Harry McCallum

Prize for an Outstanding Foundation 2D Fine-Art Student – Joné Esterhuysen

Prize for an Outstanding Foundation 3D Fine-Art Student – Ester Haward

Principal’s Prize for Outstanding Work at the Foundation Show – Hannah Jose and Georgia Gundy

City & Guilds Of London Art School Scholarship – Delia Madden

Thank you to everyone who visited the Foundation Show 2024, and please join us again soon for the Degree Show 2024.


There are a few last spaces on our 2024/25 Foundation Diploma in Art & Design, with full fee bursaries available.

Find out more and submit your application via the ‘Apply’ page of our website.


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